
Omma and Abba.

Solar Eclipse 04-01-2011 Moscow

Russia also lies in the penumbra's path. Residents of St. Petersburg and Moscow would witness a large magnitude partial eclipse at around noon local time (09:00 GMT) - magnitude 0.846 and 0.812 (81%) respectively - if the skies are clear.

Evening on Red Square

We had a nice, if cold evening on Red Square with Omma & Abbi

Ice Storm

Christmas Day and the day after it rained, but as the temperture was -5c it froze on everything it touched. so trees, power lines, car and pavement all got covered in ice, up to 2cm tick in places. Many tree and power lines came down because of the weight of the ice.

Omma & Abba

Omma & Abbi on Red Square
Gudrun's parents or Omma & Abbi

Christmas Dinner

We enjoyed our traditional Faroese christmas dinner and this year was special because we had Gudrun's parents with us and some guests.

Special Guests, Oli Jakup from the Faroes and Sonja's friend Sharon.

Roast Duck for Christmas
Gudrun and her mother preparing dinner