
Ireland Wettest July

Wettest July since 1950:

Twice the average amount of rain fell last month, with parts of the country having the wettest July in 60 years, it has been revealed.

.Meteorologists revealed that, while it was warm and mild during the month, it was also the fourth successive July in which rainfall was above normal.

However, dry and sunny weather earlier in the season prevented the flash flooding which devastated parts of the country in previous years.

Met Eireann's monthly weather report showed between 15 and 21 wet days were recorded nationwide, with residents in Claremorris suffering their wettest July since records began there in 1950. Thunderstorms were also associated with heavy rain around the middle of the month.

Elsewhere, the report revealed that wind speeds were also above normal, peaking at Belmullet on July 4 when 115kph (71.5mph) was recorded - its monthly highest since 1988.

While maximum temperatures were close to normal, sunshine totals were below normal everywhere.

Met Eireann said Valentia Observatory's sunshine total of only 85 hours was among the five lowest for July in more than a century and was also its lowest of any month so far in 2010